Monday, August 17, 2009

GaLiLeE day 5, 6, 7 and 8

Day 5... We visited Gamla and Qazrin. Gamla was an ancient Jewish city. It's where we get our name for camel because the hill looks like a camel's hump. A lot of Jews here killed themselves when the Romans attacked. We hiked to see Israel's highest waterfall here. Qazrin is another ancient Jewish city. It was cool to see this place because you could see what the homes looked like during the time of Jesus. Later that day we went on a hike on the Golan Heights.
A dolman - grave things that are about as old as Abraham (only in Israel would you find something like this on the side of the road...)

The highest waterfall in Israel!
Me and my fellow Tennessean sportin the camo in Qazrin!
Rabbi Aubs

Where the expression, "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" comes from...
An ancient family in ancient home...
On our hike in the Golan

Just another skull on the side of the trail in Israel...
Everyone act like Jonah!

Its tradition...
Tribute to Big Rig! i love you girl!

Day 6... We went to church with the branch in Tiberias
By the Jordan - a lot of people are baptized here
Our humble abode

Day 7... Class and free day on the beach. We caught like over a hundred mollusks - I don't really know why, it got to be kinda ridiculous but really addicting. Don't worry, we threw them all back. We did catch them to eat them, but that never happened.

the mermaid I made - I know, it's amazing.

Day 8... We explored the Jezreel valley - we went on Mt. Tabor, one of the believed sites of the transfiguration. We went to Nain where Christ raised the widow's son back to life. We went to Beth Shean and ancient Roman city. Our last stop was swimming at Gan Ha-Shelosha with the fish that ate the dead skin off your feet and tickled like crazy!


Beth Shean
Gan Ha-Shelosha

GaLiLeE day 3 and 4

Day 3... we took a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, got to see a 2000 year old fishing boat, went to the Mt. of Beatitudes (the traditional site of the Sermon on the Mount), Tabgha (location of the miracle of the loaves and the fishes), Capernaum (the Savior's town in the Galilee), St. Peter's Primacy (where Peter was called) and Kursi (where Christ cast the legion of devils into the swine)

the boat that took us across the sea
Me, Emily and a 2000 year old fishing boat
Mt. of Beatitudes
Mt. of Beatitudes
Taghba - miracle of the feeding of the 5000

me and Becca
Me and Kristin with the Capernaum ruins in the background
The church in the background was built over Peter's home in Capernaum
St. Peter's Primacy - the water usually goes right up to that step behind us. These stones used to hold pillars inside them

Day 4... we had class again, free time and went rafting on the Jordan river (except it wasn't really rafting, more like floating, but still fun). That night we went a fish restaurant and then to Tiberias for ice cream and little bit of shopping

where we lived (we were so close to the beach, it was incredible)
Ever eaten Tilapia? This is what it looks like....
It was sooo good!
My amazing roommates in Galilee! Katherine, me, Kristin, and Aubs
Shopping in Tiberias (Rachel and Brigitte)
Jane was really excited about her cotton candy
relaxing on the beach
