Tuesday, September 9, 2014

It's warm down here....

Baby girl has been cooking for over 38 weeks now. She's kept me at 2 cm dilated for 2 weeks and 75% effaced sitting low in my pelvis, just ready for her big debut but not budging. It's starting to get just a LITTLE uncomfortable... Plus she just LOVES giving me those practice contractions to keep Garrett and I on our toes at all times. Every time I see the doctor she smiles really big and says, "Any day now!" (I'm a little suspicious that baby girl is waiting for her grandma to come back from Italy before she shows up... that'll be Saturday so... c'mon girl!)
So this is apparently the point of view from which Garrett sees the world and me on a daily basis. Needless to say I felt very short after seeing this picture. It was one of those "aha" moments for me... 

We're praying for some of that fall weather our friends are experiencing in Utah and Tennessee to come our way, but we know it'll probably be another month. I love fall! Whew, it's warm, but it is apparently a "cooler summer" than normal for Houston so thank heavens for that.

We did a few more things around the house a couple of weeks ago. I painted our dining room table and chairs and our master bathroom. I reupholstered the cushions on these chairs we got off craigslist and was very happy when the fabric and the spray paint Garrett picked out matched the rug almost perfectly! We put up some curtains and the nursery is pretty much ready to go. I'm leaving the wall above her crib blank until we bring her home and have officially decided on a name... Then the wall will probably continue to stay blank for a long time...

This is a short post since we don't have anything exciting to announce such as, "Baby girl was born!" but hopefully we get to write a post like that soon...

Much love to all!

Bonus picture of the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland that lives in our garden... 

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