We left the Sea of Galilee on the morning of the 23rd and headed back to Jerusalem. We visited the place where Elijah brought down fire from heaven and killed all the priests of ba'al. We also went to Haifa and visited the Templar Cemetery. 2 missionaries are buried there from before Israel was a country. Without these missionaries' graves, which proved the church had a presence in Israel prior to 1948, the Jerusalem Center would not have been allowed to be built.
On the long drive back, me and Aubs entertained ourselves with some bus dancing.
Tea party with Amy in the Bahai Garden
The Bahai Gardens in Haifa = beautiful.

At Muhraqa (fire, Elijah, dead priests, etc.) - unfortunately my stance in the corner of the picture was not ununsual... and probably shows pretty well how I was feeling...
Imitating the statue. Amy was burning down there on the hot ground, we had to take the picture as quickly as possible so her arm skin didn't bake to the ground.
On the long drive back, me and Aubs entertained ourselves with some bus dancing.
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